💡Add a quality control operation
You must follow the steps below:

1. Follow the path Home -> Items.
2. Select the " Item " (Raw Material / Semi-Finished / Finished Product) on which you want to perform a quality control operation.
3. Access the " bill of materials "  ( BOM ) for that item.
4. Choose the product level (Raw Material / Semi-Finished / Finished Product) on which you want to perform the quality control.
5. Once the product is selected, click on the “+ Operation” button, then on “ Quality Control ”.
6. Enter the " name of the quality control operation ".
7. Select the type of control to be performed:
  • Auto-control: performed by the operator himself. Choose “ Auto-control ”.
  • Control by an agent: performed by a quality control technician. Choose “ Quality Agent ”.
8. Choose the " control criteria " you wish to check from the drop-down list, which contains all previously created quality control criteria.
9. Select the " type of control frequency " that fits:
  • Quantity: for control based on a quantity factor. Choose “ Quantity ”.
  • Time: for control at regular intervals. Choose “ Time ”.
  • All-Parts: for control of all production pieces. Choose “ All- parts ".
10. Fill in the other fields according to the selected frequency type:
  • For quantity: specify the batch size in the “ Quantity ” field, select the " unit " (Kg, pcs, L, or m), and indicate the sample size in the “ Sample Quantity ” field.
  • For time: specify the time interval in the “ Duration ” field and the sample size in the “ Sample Quantity ” field.
  • For all-parts: no additional fields are required.
11. Confirm your data by clicking finally on  " CREATE OPERATION ".


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