
💡Increment the production
You must follow these steps:
1. Follow the path Home -> Administration and Configuration -> Company setup.
2. Click on the " Modify " button, represented by the pencil icon.
3. In the " Production Form Customization " section, check the box " Operator view Increment feature " to display it in the operator view.
4. Validate your changes.
5. Follow the path Home -> Production Module.
6. Click on the " To the Operator/Machine View " button to access the operator visualization page, represented by the small screen icon.
7. Click on the " INCREMENT PRODUCTION " button.
8. Choose the " quantity unit ", which can be:
- Carton: If the production step involves packaging cartons.
- Piece: If the production step involves manufacturing parts.
9. Select the " employee " responsible for executing the required quantity, then click on " START PRODUCTION ".
10. Click on the " + " button for each unit produced; the counter in the progress bar will increment automatically.
Trick: In case of an error, click on the " - " button to decrement the incorrect quantity.
11. At the end of production, click on the " Modify " button, represented by the pencil icon, to add the quantities of waste, if any.
12. Click on the " Validate " button, represented by the check icon, to submit the final production report.